Professional of the Year - Healthcare/Occuptional Therapy

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Leanetta Mitchell

Title: Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant/L
Industry: Healthcare
Type of Organization: Hospital
Major Product/Service: Patient care
Expertise: Mrs. Mitchell is responsible for occupational therapy, long term skilled care and acute care. She helps individuals who have problems carrying out their daily living skills due to a disability, illness, or cognitive impairment that impact a person's ability to perform daily tasks. She has educated patients on safe and effectively using therapy equipment. Mrs. Mitchell evaluates treatment progress and provides adjustments so patients can achieve maximum benefits. She also advocates for patient's health, safety, and rights.
Geographic Area of Distribution: North Carolina
University/Degree: B.A., Health and Human Services, Ashford University; Certified, Allen Cognitive Level Screening Assessment; COTA/L
Born: July 2, 1955, Salisbury, North Carolina
Hobbies/Sports: Crafts
Spouse: Thomas (dec.)
Children: Daryl, Timika
Honors & Awards: Special Recognition Award for National Rehab Week; Certificate of Excellence